Blink – A Practical Approach to Workplace Stretching


If you want to reduce your workplace back injuries then implementing a simple stretching program can help.  This 2-part training series will put you on the right track.  One video is specifically meant for employees and you also get a video specifically meant for managers as well.

Blink! A Practical Approach to Workplace Stretching – Employee Version:

This truly innovative program is based on a strategy for implementing stretching and warm-up programs at numerous organizations across the country. Blink! brings stretching and warming up into the workplace in a way that maximizes engagement, minimizes resistance, and generates excellent outcomes.

Blink! A Practical Approach to Workplace Stretching – Manager Version:

This video provides leadership with simple and practical strategies for integrating the Blink process into their organization.

This is a 2-video package so you can be sure to touch both your employee base and your Management Team with this useful information.  Available as an English or Spanish-speaking DVD or USB stick, this is the perfect combo if you are serious about reducing your workplace back injuries and want to implement an effective and simple stretching program.

Employee Version – Full Length Preview:


Manager Version – Full Length Preview: