Laboratory Worker Ergonomics Training


Lab workers perform their duties in many different work areas, often use different tools and materials, and employ various movements in order to complete their tasks. That’s why this “Laboratory Employee Ergonomics Training Video” is so important.

The training delves into different body types and the need to minimize stress on the body through the use of property workstation setup, and the use of proper body mechanics while performing common job duties. Focus areas of the video include teaching how not to perform the same tasks in a repetitive manner, how to properly protect your back while working, and how to properly sit in a lab stool.

Finally, the training discusses ways to arrange your work station in order to maximize productivity while minimizing strain on the body. This material is available on a DVD, USB Stick, or you can also purchase the training via our online safety training program.

The run time of this lab worker ergonomics training is 13 minutes and you can see a full-length preview below.