How To Prevent Contamination in the Lab Training Video
Workers in lab settings often deal with materials and substances that must be controlled in order to do their work correctly. That’s why this training video on preventing contamination in the lab is so important for your lab workers. The video provides a full discussion and education on how to recognize and prevent laboratory contamination, safe work practices in a lab setting, and how to properly use personal protective equipment.
As you know, lab employees might handle several different types of hazardous substances. These might include toxins, corrosives, carcinogens, and other materials. Special emphasis is placed on teaching the lab employee how to properly prevent contamination of the products they are working with, their work spaces, and importantly, themselves.
This educational video trains lab workers about the four major “routes of entry” by which contamination can enter their body. These include inhalation, eye contact, skin contact (absorption and injection), and ingestion. Much of the video is also focused on good housekeeping protocols in the lab setting as well as cleaning up spills and cleaning glassware. This product is available on a DVD, USB Stick, or you can also purchase the training via our online safety training program.
The run time on this training is 10 minutes and you can view a full-length preview below.