How To Back a Semi Truck and Trailer – [Full Video Training Kit]


Everything that's included such as certificate of completion, trainee quiz, answer sheet, and Presenter's Guide plus full training video

Backing a big rig is perhaps the most intricate maneuver required by truck drivers, and it takes an acquired set of skills to master. Due to the sheer size of most semis, backing them up is a far cry from backing up almost any other passenger vehicle. This training course will teach your commercial drivers how to back up their semi-trucks and trailers safely. Whether it’s straight-line backing, parallel parking, or offset parking, our course will get your drivers the skills they need to succeed behind the wheel.

This Semi Truck Backing Training Covers the Following:

  • Why backup cameras aren’t always the best tool for drivers to use to back up their semi trucks
  • What is the best way to prevent accidents or injuries while backing up a semi? (Sounds silly, but the best way is not to back it up at all but instead to drive forward, which, of course, isn’t always possible or practical). Since commercial drivers sometimes need to back their trucks up, they need to learn to do it safely.
  • What are some common hazards commercial drivers face when backing up their tractor-trailer? (Pedestrians, other trucks, other vehicles, traffic, overhead hazards, items in the trailer’s path, and more)
  • Why drivers should always “Get Out and Look” whenever maneuvering their big rig in new, busy, or unfamiliar areas. (This is known by the acronym “GOAL”)

How To Back A Semi-Tractor Trailer Additional Topics:

  • What are the blind spots that all commercial drivers need to be aware of when backing up their trucks and tractor-trailers? (Both sides of the front and rear of the truck, the left and right sides of the truck, and areas above and below the truck that might interfere with the trailer wheels. Basically, blind spots are EVERYWHERE when backing up a truck and tractor-trailer)
  • If, at any point during the backing-up process, you need to get out and look again
  • What is the best angle to back your truck up? (If possible, you should always back the semi-trailer to the left or towards the driver’s side so that you can watch the rear of your trailer by looking out the side window)
  • What are the downsides drivers need to be aware of when backing their trailer to the right or the blind side?
  • How should the truck driver handle the drifting that might occur as they are backing up a semi?
  • What are “pull-ups” and why do all commercial drivers need to understand them?

Common Semi-Trailer Backing Techniques All Drivers Need To Understand:

  • What is straight-line backing? (Exactly as it sounds, performing a backing maneuver in a straight line)
  • What is the process for straight-line backing up a semi? (First, you would want to get out and look at the area where you will be backing up a semi-trailer, paying special attention to making sure there is sufficient space to back the truck up. Second, you would want to position the truck in as straight a line as possible. Next, as you begin moving backward, be sure that you always check your mirrors so you can monitor the backup maneuver the whole way. If the trailer starts to drift, you will want to correct the drift or pull forward and reposition as necessary. Once the back of the truck lines up with the mirrors, you can return the steering wheel to the center and back up in a straight line.)
  • How to back your trailer to the driver’s side
  • How do you maneuver the steering wheel regardless of the maneuver you are performing?
  • How to parallel park a semi-truck and trailer (Although only necessary when you are in a city or other location where there are no parking lots or loading docks to pull into, it is still an important skill to have)
  • How to back up the truck at a truck stop, parking spot, and how to handle an empty parking lot.
  • and, much more…..

Teaching your commercial drivers all about backing up their tractor-trailer goes a long way in saving unwanted accidents. Getting your team to understand how to use their steering wheel will help them move the big rig to where they need it. As they say, practice makes perfect, and giving your commercial drivers this tractor-trailer backing training benefits you, your drivers, your customers, and those other trucks around them.

Backing Up A Semi-Trailer Training Deliver Methods:

This course is available on an English-speaking DVD or on a USB Stick. You can also take this training course online, either as a standalone class or as part of our larger online safety training library. The runtime for this training is 22 minutes.

This Complete Semi-Truck Backing Training Program Includes These Items:

  • Full-length Semi Truck and Trailer Backing Procedure training video
  • Employee quiz and answer sheet
  • A “Presenter’s Guide” if you are going to do this training in person
  • A printable training sign-in sheet to keep track of your training program
  • A printable Certificate of Completion. You can print as many copies of the Certificate as you need

How to Back Up A Semi-Tractor Trailer Video – Full Length Preview:


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How To Back a Semi Truck and Trailer - [Full Video Training Kit] How To Back a Semi Truck and Trailer - [Full Video Training Kit]
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