Hazardous Waste And Chemicals Training


If your employees need training on hazardous waste and chemicals then this video is for you! Train your new employees to work safely around hazardous waste and other chemicals while on the job. Using potentially harmful chemicals is a necessary reality in many industries, so using them safely is important for maintaining a safe and healthy work environment. This Hazardous Waste and Chemicals Training Video will show workers how to use, handle, and dispose of potentially dangerous wastes. It explains what hazardous waste is, how to dispose of it, and what to do in case of a spill. These are important skills for anyone who works around hazardous chemicals on a daily basis, or those who oversee their handling. Use it to teach new workers the proper procedures for handling these materials, or as an annual refresher for existing personnel. This video comes in DVD format and in English and Spanish formats, and the runtime is 11 minutes.

4 Minute Preview: