HAZWOPER Orientation Training


Do your employees need some Orientation Training for HAZWOPER?  If so, then this HAZWOPER Orientation video will offer your staff an overview of the history, components, and rules regarding working in a HAZWOPER environment.

This HAZWOPER Orientation Training Covers the Following:

  • What is HAZWOPER, what does it stand for, and what is the goal of this regulation?
  • Why a “safety first” attitude is critical in a HAZWOPER environment
  • Aside from understanding Safety Data Sheets, PPE, and other ways to protect yourself, what is one of the most important things you need to focus on? (Developing the right attitude towards safety is critical.  PPE, policies, and procedures are worthless if every employee doesn’t constantly take safety into account for themselves and for their team)
  • What is the role of situational awareness when it comes to a dangerous work environment?
  • What are the dangers of employees becoming complacent about their hazardous work areas?
  • How to ensure that employees don’t become complacent working with dangerous materials as they become more familiar with them
  • How can employees recognize their own physical limitations even when they are wearing the proper PPE and feeling invincible?
  • How to work with a totally-encapsulating suit when it comes to sound and vision restrictions
  • Why employees should not rush through donning their PPE, and what are the dangers if these personal protective equipment pieces aren’t worn properly?
  • The importance of mental discipline when it comes to HAZWOPER safety
  • The need for all employees to review Safety Data Sheets, placards on vehicles, labels on containers, the Emergency Response Guidebook, and more as they are working in a new job site
  • The value of mental discipline and study in preparing for hazardous waste operations
  • and much more…

Giving your employees a good overview of HAZWOPER through Orientation Training is very important.  These training sessions can not only keep them up to date on their safety protocols but also focused on the job at hand.  This benefits both the employee and the employer alike.  This HAZWOPER Orientation Training comes on either DVD or USB stick and in either English or Spanish.

Full-Length Preview of the HAZWOPER Orientation Training: