Safety Everyone’s Responsibility – Remember Charlie Part 2
Encourage your employees to work as a team to help make your organization a safe place to be. Safety Everyone’s Responsibility is an ideal follow-up to Remember Charlie, in which Charlie Morecraft commends those who follow safety procedures and encourages management and employees to work as a team. This video will give your employees a in depth look a how supervisors and employees can work together to ensure the safety of everyone within an organization. Charlie motivates every worker to take responsibility for his own actions in an effort to prevent unsafe acts, while encouraging workers not to view management as adversaries, but as team mates with a common goal. This video is available as a DVD or on a USB Stick, and it comes in English and Spanish language options. If you need another language call us at 800-859-1870 ext. 2 to (Video is available in most languages). Run time for this training is 48 minutes.