Driving Under The Influence or DUI – The Consequences


Worried that you have drivers employed by you that are at risk of a DUI? Driving under the influence is an all too common occurrence among employees. Are you sure your employees are behaving responsibly while on the road? Whether you employ drivers, or you simply have workers who drive to and from work, this video will show them the dangers of driving while under the influence of alcohol and other substances. This DUI training video will take them through an arrest and court appearances for someone who has been pulled over for a DUI. Your employees will get an up close look at consequences for making bad decisions, both on the job, and off. They’ll also learn of the dangers that can await those who get behind the wheel after drinking. It’s a great training video for new workers, but it’s also an ideal refresher course for those you think could use the reminder. This video comes on DVD for added convenience.